Saturday, September 26, 2009

What a Day!!

Today was such a great day for Tyler and our family. For some reason, everything just clicked and went so well. Brandon and I had great team work and Ty was the perfect child. We started the day making baby food, which turned out to be really fun. We made butternut squash, yellow squash, sweet potatos, and green beans. We gave Ty some green beans and he gobbled them down! I was so excited! He did really well with peas yesterday so I was hoping that he would continue to do well, and he did. I was super cute, trying to hold the spoon and opening his mouth wide. He was so excited he was smiling and laughing and kicking on his chair. It was like he was saying "Oh, now I get why you guys are feeding me this stuff. This is good!!". We ran some errands and he did great, even with only catnaps in the car. When we made it home around 5:30, I decided to give him some more cereal. He gobbled that down too and had a blast while doing so! He was laughing the whole way through his bath and onto the changing table to get his PJs on, even while rubbing his eyes, he was smiling. He is sound asleep and I couldn't feel happier. I am so proud of my little boy today. If he sleeps through the night, this day would be a perfect 10!! Here are some pictures of our great day!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear that he is doing so good for you!! I need some baby food recipes. Kris and I want to make our own too, but it would be nice to get some recipes on how to make certain foods. Hope you have another great day!!! Or week at that!
