Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Time Off

I haven't been in much of a blogging mood these days, and I just noticed that it has been a while since I have written. Things are trucking along, and I can't believe we are about to celebrate the 4th of July. We are heading to Concan this year with the family, for a small relaxing trip, unlike the last trip to Concan with 45 people! This should be nice. Our little fish can wade around in the water and have a blast while be all take turns watching out for the wild man. Tyler loves the water and has absolutely no fear. He think he can just walk right in and all will be fine. Lucky for us, I went and bought a life vest just incase. Mainly so I can relax and know that he has an extra safety net. I'm pretty excited! We got back from being in Galveston last weekend for our close friends wedding which Brandon and I were both in. We rented a beach house and had Brandon's family there to help us watch Tyler while were did our obligations to the bride and groom. All turned out great and we had a blast hanging out with our friends. Here are a few pictures of our summer so far...