Wednesday, August 26, 2009

4 month check up

Today we went to the Dr. for Tylers' 4 month check up and vaccines. He weighs 15 lbs on the dot and 25 1/2 inches long. He is still in the 50% percentile so he is maintaining his weight as he grows longer. He's grown 6 1/2 inches since birth! We are going to switch to oats or barley cereal since the rice cereal seems to give him a tummy ache and gas. After a few weeks of that we will start some veggies. He can also start drinking from a cup, since a bottle has been an issue. The Dr. said it is trial and error, but I am hoping he will like it so Brandon can feed him too. He got a vaccinne and didn't even cry at all!! I was so suprised and waiting for the cry all the way to the car, but it never happened. I guess he is growing up to be a big boy and taking pain like a man! That is kinda scary because I think he will grow up to be one of those kids that pain doesn't bother, so he will do all sorts of crazy things since he will have no fear... let's hope not. All in all he is doing much better this week. He slept for almost 13 hours last night and woke up once to eat - Amazing. And I just put him down for a nap and he cried for a few minutes them fell asleep. I'm so proud of him. Out new game is for me to chew on his hands, he thinks this is so funny. And he seems to think the word dada is funny too! All is well!


  1. What a tough boy not to cry!! I wish Chloe didnt cry, it breaks my heart. I have even modified her vaccine schedule just because I hate to see her poked so many times!

    He is so PRECIOUS!!!

  2. Awww, hopefully he'll keep doing as well as he did the last time. I hate watching him get shots!!
