Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mommy Time

Last night I went to get my hair cut and colored, then I had a Baptism class to attend at the church. It was so nice to get out and about on my own, although I felt so weird the whole time, like I was missing something!! Tyler did great for Daddy. He ate his bottle and apples, and slept great last night, two nights in a row!! I am starting to wonder if the cereal we have been giving him just doesn't agree with him...hmmm... I feel so re-energized today, especially after attending the Baptism class. It made me remember to embrace the new role in my life as a mother. Being a mother is such a wonderful and challenging journey. I have been going though some weird things with the transition of staying home to become a full time mommy. I was so excited to stop working and stay home, so I was suprised when school started this year, that I was a bit sad not to be returning. I know I don't miss the work, but having peers to socialize with every day was nice. Now that Tyler is getting older, I know it is time for me to start venturing out, join some groups and get involved with other Mommies through out the week. I meet a girl last night who is in the same situation as me, a former teacher staying at home with her baby. She said the same things that I have been feeling "There is no structure!" and "I miss my friends!". I Was like YES, so it isn't just me that has these thoughts from time to time. I think it is hard for independent, Type A women to give up their career to stay at home with their kids, even if it is the choice they made and it's what they want to do. It is the best choice for our family, but the transition is difficult. She invited me to come to a mommy group with her through the church, and I think I may take her up on that. Granted things are much more manageable now than they were when Ty was a month old, the age of her baby, but I have to admit that I have a fear of joining things and trying to bring Tyler with me. My thoughts are...where will I feed him?, will he throw up all over me?, will he fall asleep in his seat if he is tired and I am not back home in time, or will he just be irritable??...I know that babies adapt, and it is probably just me having a hard time with it. But, I think that it is time. Being at church made me remember the wonderful reasons why I wanted to be a mother in the first place. To raise a fun, loving, strong, and thoughtful child and to teach him about all the wonderful things that GOD has given to us in this life. Reconnecting with my faith lit a fire in me last night, and reminded me that GOD doesn't give you things that you can't handle. Tyler is such a blessing in my life. It was wonderful to come home and see him sound asleep in his crib, and to see him greet me with the biggest smile this morning. Only a child can make you glow like that. Thank you GOD for this precious gift, and please help me guide him through this beautiful life you have given us.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. you are such an amazing mom! i'm sure all of this traveling with him will get easier the more you do it...or you'll be more comfortable with it.
    i <3 your blog!!!

  3. Thanks Jamie. Hope you are feeling OK these days! Your blog is really cute. I can't seem to figure out how to add all that cutsie stuff. I think if I spent more time on it I could figure it out, but it doesn't seem to happen :)
